Did your Nan have Gran Designs? Or was she more of a Nandoes? Stand By Your Nan is a limited series of 8 episodes with interviews, stand up stories around me and my gran and stories from the listening community. A virtual hug, cup of tea and poignant discussion on redefining our elders from writer/comedian Rachel Sambrooks. Funded by Arts Council England, co producer Steve Keyworth and with music from Lewis Barfoot.

Saturday Jul 31, 2021
Episode 8 : Compilation Tape
Saturday Jul 31, 2021
Saturday Jul 31, 2021
The final episode of the Stand By Your Nan podcast is a short compilation of stories sent in to me, including Maggy Whitehouse, Craig Deeley and more. Thank you so much to the participants and to everyone for listening.
www.rachelsambrooks.com to sign up to my mailing list or to contact me.

Thursday Jul 29, 2021
Episode 7: Nandy Warhol with Holborn Community Association
Thursday Jul 29, 2021
Thursday Jul 29, 2021
Stories and sharing grandmother stories with writer Rachel Sambrooks. The final part of my Nan's story looks at life long learning, with guests from a storytelling workshop I ran with Holborn Community Association.
Thanks to Hazel East from Holborn Community Association and all the participants.
Stand By Your Nan is funded by Project Grants from the National Lottery and Arts Council England. Thank you for listening!
Sign up to my mailing list at www.rachelsambrooks.com

Wednesday Jul 21, 2021
Episode 6: Granny Yoda with Ishi Khan-Jackson
Wednesday Jul 21, 2021
Wednesday Jul 21, 2021
This episode is all about the wise women in our lives, my Nan's spooky stories and a guest interview with comedian and laughter yoga practitioner Ishi Khan-Jackson.
Don't forget to sign up to my mailing list at www.rachelsambrooks.com to hear more and get in touch.
Stand By Your Nan was written and performed by Rachel Sambrooks, with music by Lewis Barfoot and co-produced with Steve Keyworth. Supported by Arts Council England with a National Lottery Project Grant.

Wednesday Jul 14, 2021
Episode 5: Gran British Bake Off
Wednesday Jul 14, 2021
Wednesday Jul 14, 2021
Did you learn to cook with your Gran? I'm keeping it in the family this episode as my artist cousin Jacqui Calladine joins me to bake Shrewsbury Cakes and talk about my Nan Eve, creating art, moving with the seasons and how to value being wild and creative.
Bake along with the recipe from Great Step Gran Alice's recipe book!
Shrewsbury Cakes
1/4lb butter, 1 egg, 1/4lb caster sugar, 1/2 lb flour, flavouring.
Cream butter and sugar, add beaten egg, warm flour and add. Roll out thinly and cut out with fancy cutter. Bake 20 mins in a slow oven.
Stand by Your Nan is written and performed by Rachel Sambrooks with thanks to co producer Steve Keyworth, music from Lewis Barfoot and funding from Arts Council England.

Tuesday Jul 06, 2021
Episode 4: Frosty the Snow Nan with Craig Deeley
Tuesday Jul 06, 2021
Tuesday Jul 06, 2021
With special guest Craig Deeley. Nostalgia for Christmas is high on my list of Nan memories, in this episode we learn all about walnuts and how I became a Christmas man. Enjoy a Christmas jolly in the middle of the summer, because there's always time for a bit of peace, love and goodwill to all grans.
Contains alcohol references and quite a lot of 1980s references too.
Stand By Your Nan was written and performed by Rachel Sambrooks, with music by Lewis Barfoot and co-produced with Steve Keyworth. Supported by Arts Council England with a National Lottery Project Grant.

Saturday Jun 26, 2021
Episode 3: Who Do You Think You Are Arr Rach?
Saturday Jun 26, 2021
Saturday Jun 26, 2021
Episode 3 features an interview with special guest comedian Steve Day. Talking about legacies, memoir, who you think you are and the extraordinary lengths we go to, to avoid being ordinary. What do we leave when we go?
The interview was recorded during lockdown over Zoom and there may be some audio distortion.
Stand By Your Nan was written and performed by Rachel Sambrooks, with music by Lewis Barfoot and co-produced with Steve Keyworth. Supported by Arts Council England with a National Lottery Project Grant.

Wednesday Jun 16, 2021
Episode 2: Nan of Steel with Sarah Keyworth
Wednesday Jun 16, 2021
Wednesday Jun 16, 2021
What was the origin story of your grandmother? This episode is all about the beginnings of my Nan's story, how she survived childhood and an interview with award winning comedian and brilliantly entertaining Sarah Keyworth
P.S. This episode does contain some swearing.

Tuesday Jun 08, 2021
Episode 1 : The Invisible Nan with Francesca Beard
Tuesday Jun 08, 2021
Tuesday Jun 08, 2021
Was your gran an Invisible Nan? How are older women changing today? This episode asks what we can do about the disappearance of our matriarchs. With stories from Rachel Sambrooks and an interview with special guest, internationally renowned spoken word artist Francesca Beard expect laughs, nostalgia and interesting discussion about our collective personal histories. Join the mailing list to get first listens, more news from Rachel Sambrooks and to share your Nan-ecdotes!

Friday Apr 30, 2021
Stand By Your Nan - trailer 1
Friday Apr 30, 2021
Friday Apr 30, 2021
Trailer for Stand By Your Nan. What's your Nanecdote? Did your Nan have Gran Designs? Was she more a Nandoes? Stand By Your Nan is part discussion, part show, all Super Nan!
If you want to share your grandmother tale that could be featured sign up to the mailing list at www.rachelsambrooks.com or record a short (less than 2 minute) message and send to Stand By Your Nan on What's App 07563 004509.
The series is written and performed by Rachel Sambrooks, funded by Arts Council England and is a Gerty Words Production.